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OSH KOSH BEGOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Slyveon sama, you want to SWAP my MIND with a VENIPEDE'S!?!?!?! I'll finally be a DETESTABLE WRIGGLING VERMIN in the LITERAL sense and not just FIGURATIVELY???!!!?! I'll be tossed into a CHARMANDER ENCLOSURE to be EATEN until I swap minds with ANOTHER right as I'm DIGESTED?!?!?!! You plan to CYCLE my CONSCIOUSNESS between various types of KRIKETOT, CATERPIE, and WEEDELS as well?!?!!! After a few MONTHS of this, you'll move on to BUTTERFREES so GOHAN can watch me being TOYED WITH by his SPINARAK COLLECTION!?!?!?!! You've also purchased MATES for EVERY POKÉMON that will be EATING ME, and THEIR MINDS will be swapped with OGI's!?!?!?!? She'll be experiencing LEWD LIZARD LOVE and STEAMY SPIDOPS SEX while her SUITORS savor my NUTRITIOUS PROTEIN!!?!?!?! I CAN'T WAIT TO BE YABBA DABBA DOOVOURED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!