Alright, addressing a few things about the dub.
It was really well voice acted. Sarah, in my opinion, did her best version of Ash for this movie and it really stands out. Cross' voice was well suited for him and he came off as a really good asshole - a knock of Paul who things that only power is whats needed for a trainer. I liked the VA for him. Soji's voice worked well, fit his character and sounded natural. Makoto - MAKOTO let me fucking tell you about Makoto - to do so she's getting her own fucking paragraph later with everything about her.
The new version of the original theme was good and enjoyable but the innitial reaction to it would have been better if it had been the original theme. The dub music, this was the biggest flaw with the movie. All that music that released on the M20 OST soundtrack? Gone. All of it aside from one track at the end which actually worked well because its like the most iconic ost selection of the entire series. What Goldfarb pulled together for the replacement tracks - while nowhere near as good as the JP OST, still fit the movie. I didn't hate it which was surprising but given how I knew about the original OST for the movie it made the film slightly less impactful because all those glorious tunes weren't used.
Dub voices were good, music was okay and nothing phenomenal, and the script was pretty good. There was a line by Bonji that had me grinning because of how it was translated and as soon as it came out of his mouth I heard the original japanese in my head. I had a giggle over it.
>>34022698It was, not memeing. Most of the theater was 20+ years old with a couple kids. I had a good time.
>>34022675Yes, I'm pretty sure her dub voice was the same woman who did Melody from Pokemon 2000 which caught my attention immediately.
>>34022651I'll address this in the next post which is going to focus on the actual movie itself.