>>31788827>>31788827>Sword Kirby - Kirby becomes this form when Inhaling Pokemon that use blades to attack. (Gallade, Bisharp, Cobalion, Aegislash, etc)Type: Steel/Fighting
Stats - 100/125/115/85/75/100
Ability: Hyper Cutter (revamped): This Pokemon's Attack cannot be lowered and the power of slashing moves is boosted by 33%.
Learns Sword Thrust and can learn Sacred Sword, Swords Dance and Rapid Spin.
>Sword ThrustType: Steel - PP: 15 - Category: Physical - Power: 90 - Accuracy: 100
The user slashes forward to strike the enemy. Ignores target's defense boosts.
>Z-Move: Ultra SwordRequires Sword Kirby to hold the Hypernova Seed and have Sword Thrust learned.
175 Power, ignores target's defense boosts.
Feel free to come up with ideas for Kirby's other abilities. As a side note, if the Ability Capsule worked for Hidden Abilities, you could use Copy Essence to learn moves only other forms can learn then change to Protean to get the best out of it.