>>44807568>What makes the entire Ralts line so appealing to you?they're cute, also they can take a punch
>What makes Gardevoir even somewhat viable in competitive considering its poor speed and defense?Trace is good against my friends and I'm not that much into competitive anyways
>If the Ralts line existed with us since the dawn of time, what would Earth be like today?Humanity will have psychic powers, red eyes and green hair as the most common traits, also a lot of gardevoir porn
>Is the hair of a Gardevoir malleable or is it static?I like to think it is true hair, and it is just stylised like that
>If you could, and it asked, would you be its romantic partner?asking that on this place is like asking a guy in australia if the weather is hot>What kind of Pizza and toppings would be a Gardevoir's favorite?Most likely their master/trainer/partner favorites
>What's your favorite aspect about Gardevoir?the fact that I don't need to tell her whatever is on my mind
and the fact that she wouldn't cheat on me if we are together