Hey guys, nice to see yall again.
>>46011094Finally, more fairy respecters
>>46011291Fu could learn from that guy...
>>46009244Please tell me he has a thick ass southern/cowboy accent or something similar
>QoTMost of these are pretty obvious answers for Molly. Fairy is favorite, Poison is least favorite, she's a Fairy Ace Trainer.
But as for why fairy types are her favorite I don't think I've answered that.
Molly was homeschooled because her parents didn't think any of the schools around Sinnoh would do their little girl justice so they hired professional tutors instead. Molly was largely uninterested until she learned of fairy types in one of her lessons. She felt each one she saw was prettier than the last and felt that spark of inspiration flare up inside her. She wanted to be a trainer with the cutest Pokemon! Mawile in particular caught her fancy
and that spiraled into an odd obsession the family had to deal with for a while but that's a story for another time.Her older siblings who had a penchant for bullying Molly derided her for wanting to handle weak, cutesy Fairies that couldn't stand up to "REAL" Pokemon.
So between her love of pretty Pokemon and her desire to spite and overcome her shitty siblings is where her love of the type originates. Fitting enough for a fairy specialist I feel.
Also, in the server we started making these bio cards for an OC Dex channel. Get a list of actives goin. We can drop the template if anyone wants to take a crack at it.