>RoxanneI lead Strelok and use Mega Drain to get Geodude to sturdy. Geodude's rock tomb does A LOT, instantly activating Oran Berry. Roxanne heals and Strelok just gets his HP back. Quick Attack when Dude is on sturdy again just in case. Nosepass comes in and crits his Rock Tomb, doing less than Geodudes regular RT. Strelok heals some using drain, doing exactly 50% on Nosepass. Safe, even from a high roll, I let Strelok stay in. Tackle puts Strelok in Overgrow range, guaranteeing the kill with Mega Drain! (Why does this shit never happen in Emerald where Nosepass uses block)
I lost Danila to a fairly retarded play on my end. Guts! Wing Attack missed out on the kills and Danila's speed was lowered due to low sweep. Normally Taillow still outspeeds, but I think the -speed nature mattered. Stupid but shit happens. My first death is always Taillow in this gym, you'd think I learn
>BrawlyI lead Strelok, Garry needs to be on full hp for Maku. Strelok dabs once again! Critting Mega Drain on Machop, then killing him with a regular drain. Makuhita comes in and I send in Yurik. Knock off knocks off exactly 50% of his health, so I immediately switch Garry in on a Bulk Up. Confusion crits! and Maku responds with Sand Attack. Garry doesn't give a shit about sand, so Maku goes down.
Okay now i'm REALLY on a break. Christ imagine being addicted to Nuzlocking. How embarrassing.
>>53604237Decent early Unova team. Hows Motu for you? Super Fang Watchog is a legit beast in my opinion.
>>53599517Based and Mankey pilled. Really curious on what you end up picking as a team
>>53596126Amazing run, Ronja! The nidoqueen curse is a thing of the past it seems.
>>53595915Kalos loves putting you into a false sense of security, but damn most double battles you're railed into seem to be tailor made to wipe you. Except the Flare doubles, ironically. Good Luck against Korrina