>>56000969Red's Team:
>PoliwagMultiple back to back crits from Terry II's Razor Leaf force 2 Full Restores and a bunch of Moonlights from Red. Poliwag eventually succumbs to the Razor Leafs.
>StantlerTerry II puts it to sleep with Sing, and OHKOs it with a crit Cross Chop.
>Raticate2HKO'd by Terry II's Cross Chop
>Hoothoot2HKO'd by Melanie's Ice Punch.
>WeezingAfter multiple failed attempts to paralyze it with Melanie's Glare, I switch to Foggy, who 3HKOs it with Psybeam.
>VaporeonI switch to FillmoreII, who tanks a Confusion, and is able to paralyze Vaporeon with Zap Cannon. Unfortuneately, Vaporeon kills Fillmore II with Earthquake. I bring in Ginko, who kills it with a couple of Headbutts.
Overall, pretty good. It sucks I lost FillmoreII, but I didn't have much of a connection with him anyway. I'd say the MVP of this run is Ginko, if only because he was carrying a Lucky Egg when I caught him. It's gonna be a slog to get through Johto 2 more times without one.