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Honest review, it was a solid 7/10 for me
>-1 no dori dori
>-1 performance animation meh
>-1 wallace defeated offscreen
>It's time to admit as adults we are that romance isn't going to play a big role in pokemon ever, if this episode didn't make you realize it then nothing will.
>They intentionally hid Serena but not for a surprise, rather they didn't want to create false expectations from viewers, which at the end was a smart decision.
>PM staff is obviously aware of what Serena represents and how she affects the fandom
>Dunno if they were forced to include her or they really wanted to return her, watching the episode makes me think that they really wanted to.
>But how to include her without making it about amourautism? and they played it really well with Wallace delaying Ash and Goh, and then they just had the pretext they were in a hurry so they only meet at goodbye.
>Perfect, literally perfect return for a character, PM really did justice to her, completely robbed the spot in this episode.
>A lot of people misundertands this character for obvious reasons and I'm glad what they did with her in this return, her goal wasn't to get Ash as something literal, her goal was always to be like him, because she admires him, and she really ended up becoming like him as you can see when she's motivating Koharu to perform, waiting for subs but it's already known she used the same words Ash told her to motivate her in XY.
>Ash is still Serena's goal that's why she immediately replies“If you’re aiming to be the strongest, then I’m aiming to be the greatest performer!” because again she admires him that much she aims to be someone like him, that others can rely on and be motivated by her perfomances.
>Ending was perfect, add a blush and it becomes romantic, without it, it's just two friends saying goodbye
Anyways serenachads we fucking won, amour/pokeshipping bros it's time to wake up and realize PM doesn't want to match Ash with romance at all