http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UV9Tq-rU2U[You have REFUSED to voluntarily leave the hivemind. CONSEQUENTLY, you are subject to immediate turmoil and demise in the form of an official gym battle, in which your expected loss shall result in not only your death--BUT THE ROBBING OF YOUR CLOTHES, as well.]
"...Why my clothes?"
[One of my wishes prior to leading a tyrannical fellowship of lampreys was to become a REAL HUMAN BOY. Thus, I will pursue this fetish of mine via assimilating your identity--VIA WEARING YOUR DUNGAREES.]
"I-I don't wea-"
You are Calem, the ambiguously aged 15-16 year old boy from Vaniville Town. Upon plead from a nerdy boy named Clemont and his little sister Bonnie, you and your companion Serena have infiltrated the dreaded, overtaken Prism Tower. According to them, the place is overrun with leeches, and they definitely weren't fibbing about that either.
The mess all started thanks to the power surge that took out electricity for half of Lumiose City all those days back. Although you managed to turn the power back on in the Badlands by resurrecting the Power Plant, Prism Tower was still without with energy. The reason for that being that all incoming energy was being sucked out by lampreys that found their way into the tower's underground basement, attracted there by fuck knows what.
Your initial mission was to go in there and clean the place out so that full power could completely embrace the gym, except that objective soon turned into a hundred when you were ambushed by a robotic android and his army of magnets, all of which in reality belong to Clemont.