Redid mine with a new trainer look.
>>20307621I remember you, you have an incredibly pink/purple theme going. Your team actually consists of some great pokemon and seems pretty balanced, nice.
>>20304622Nice trainer art, I would draw my own trainer, but I'm not good enough with my tablet yet. Otherwise, nice team.
>>20303710Nice goal and taste in pokeballs, the luxury ball's always been a favorite of mine. I'm guessing that you would open a fighting gym in Snowpoint?
>>20301474Great team, swampert and mamoswine are both favorites of mine. Aromatisse is rare to see on someone's favorites list, it's a shame too, its design isn't half bad.
>>20297284Nice musical taste, Megadeth's music has always been a favorite of mine (nice t-shirt too). Otherwise, your taste in pokemon and types is great, if I had more room in the alts, I'dve added a rampardos and yanmega.
>>20295489Delinquent/10, would ditch with.