Rather than write a chapter, I decided to write a script to check the word count of royal road chapters automatically
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/510219-royal-road-chapter-word-countFor example, first 5 chapter word counts for the following
Borne of Caution: 6066, 7092, 10435, 6023, 5696
Hard Enough: 2529, 1832, 2605, 3597, 2965
Looking for a Home: 2507, 3676, 2485, 2761, 3155
Pokemon Trainer Vicky: 2941, 6733, 5529, 6448, 7203
you get the idea. Beefier stories tend to be 6k+, while normal tend to be around 3k. 1.5-2k is pretty short overall. The script saves me the trouble of copy pasting it into an external word counter. Might be useful for writers if you wanna easily see how much other writers are putting into their content without having to go through a hassle.