Quoted By:
>be me
>10 years old
>Just recently moved away from all my old friends
>get Pokemon Sapphire for christmas that year
>start making friends because of shared interest in Pokemon
>Months later, have a close group of friends again, we traded pokemon in school, shared secret bases, and i have hundreds of hours and level 100 pokemon on my file
>one day, mom says we have to move again
>last day of school before i have to move again, teacher lets us trade pokemon in class because she knows it was important to us
>friends all trade pokemon with letters attached saying "we'll miss you", "good luck" stuff like that.
>we all mix records one last time, and then i never see them again after that day
>finally settled in at the new home, still remember fond memories of my friends through pokemon
>no one plays pokemon anymore at my new school, have trouble making friends
>come home one day after school
>Little sister started a new save file while i was at school
>Immediately start crying, too depressed to even fight my sister.
>Mom doesnt see what the big deal is, just tells me to do it again.
now that i think about it, i think that's when my depression started and i'm still having problems with depression 10 years later. The good news is I finally found friends who played pokemon in High school, and they're still my friends today.