And that's Kanto done and dusted. Not much happened until the very end, most gyms and fights were a cakewalk. I did have to teach Simple the Slowking Zap Cannon to deal with Misty, since the other 2 mons I had with supereffective moves were weak to water themselves.
I also had to rely on Simple too much against Blue (even worse because I kept having to switch), so it was on red hp by the time Rhydon came out. I had no good switches into it so I sent out Big Mama, hoping it didn't go for earthquake to "finish off" Simple. Unfortunately it did, which did over half and forced me to commit. Couldn't oneshot it with Ice Punch though, so Big Mama went down to another Earthquake.
Really fucking sucks to lose someone on the final stretch like this. Her insane coverage saved my ass many times this run so seeing her go like this hurts. At least it's not the starter this time I guess.
I don't think I'm gonna replace her at this point, already have to grind a bit for Red and I kinda just wanna finish the run now.
>>55025480Go for it, comics are always welcome.
>>55025073Riolu encounter is insane, kinda surprised it didn't sweep Cheren. Nice thing about getting Sewaddle early in BW2 is that it'll probably evolve into a Leavanny in one level and be pretty tough for the early midgame.
>>55024244Protect and Dig alone basically sweep Norman, you've got this. Love seeing Seviper.
>>55024046Yeah Jasmine is a major pushover if you have a fast/strong enough fire move.
>>55023790I'm boring so I'm not doing many variations beyond just a hardcore nuzlocke, but I do enjoy bringing along a suboptimal mon like Parasect in SS or Sableye and Torkoal in Emerald. Thinking about it, maybe I've been try-harding a bit with teams since then, they've all been kinda stacked.