>>19079068you have stated your "point" in the least confident, admittedly uninformed, meanderingly anecdotal way possible. you look like someone who is high trying to have a conversation with themself.
how can you believe that anyone who is kind/stupid enough to read this entire travesty will be even slightly compelled toward your side of the argument? you have wasted your time and everyone else's with this half-assed effort. next time you try to post your opinion as a comprehensive fact, go to tumblr.
my fuck.
on the other hand, i agree with you regarding the chance thing, it's why i love chess but hate risk. a competition's purpose is to pit the merits of the participants against each other to determine who is the most proficient in that category. luck is an external factor, therefore nullifying the validity of the outcome where it interferes. pokemon has always had luck written into the core of its battle model, with moves that hit a random amount of times in a row, paralysis and confusion, the accuracy and evasiveness stats, move accuracy, the list goes on. it was idiotic in my opinion for smogon and anyone else to attempt to regulate it like they did.