"Accomplishments mean nothing if the person isn't happy. If there's one thing I've learned from helping *literally everybody* with their problems, it's that."
Deimos is quick to throw a retort back your way, "The reason she's unhappy is because she's not satisfied with herself, she knows she's not the best person she can be. And so she remains convinced that finishing the training she abandoned as a child will fix all of that. That's why she's here. She wants to change herself and so do I, but son, mister.."
"Uh, Calem."
"Right, right, Calem. See, wanting something is completely different than actually doing it. She has the will, but not the power. So many tries, but so little change. Still bottling up those emotions and only letting them spill out when there's no other road to take, like how she explodes whenever I press her to keep trying, or that entire scene that brought us to this chillzone in the first place. You may appreciate her for the way she is, but she sure doesn't, otherwise she wouldn't have come back here. Do you see where I'm getting at?"
>What do you say next?