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The above factors are matters which fans of the Pokémon can and willingly, bring forward, even those things which even enemies of the Pokémon would be likely to overlook, they brings forward proudly and ingenuously, like a truculent mother presenting an ugly child to a friend, and with a broad smile in his forcible prose which sometimes throws even the experienced scholar quite off his guard.
Let us now move on to the representation of this “character” in regards to the masses, their superficial appeal, and their poor and ultimately destructive taste. Game Freak is a company aiming its audience for a universal target. It is only natural, therefore, that all creativity or ingenuity that belongs to it should have been whittled down, diluted, and despoiled of its dignity; and we must feel no surprise at finding that no pains have been spared which might reduce Pokémon also to a function that would be compatible with this mentality. All that savors of fun and enjoyment has become the work of committees, assemblies, herds, crowds, and mobs.
Therefore, if Pokémon designs are to be tolerated at all by any crowd, they must have a much more modest, humble, and pusillanimous comprehension of what their existence means, and of the purpose and aim of their work; and their claims, if they make any, must be meek, unprivileged, harmless and unassuming.
While, therefore, the designer, scarcely exists at all to-day, another breed of man has come to the fore in the graphic arts, whose very weakness is its passport, who makes no claims at establishing new values of beauty, and who contents himself modestly with exhibiting certain baffling dexterities, virtuosities and tricks, which at once amaze and delight ordinary spectators, simply because they themselves have not yet overcome even the difficulties of a technique.