Solomon Grunty arrives to the scene of the incinerating inferno just in time to stumble upon a Fox news crew reporting on the terrifying attack on Mother Nature.
They're filming the debacle right as he peers out of the bushes to spy on them. The tree behind them is still on fire, and it also smells like a thousand onions pissing into the abyss of some eleven year old's festering pit of dried smegma.
Fortunately Solomon comes prepared with a clothes pin just for the situation. A classic example of ingenious thinking that still works in this day and age.
To keep up with the spirit and to reflect the current intelligence of something as politically biased as Fox while also staying true to name punning, their ace news reporter embraces a strict company policy.
He's a Bidoof with crude cardboard fox ears taped to his head.>The reporter interviews...A) An average Joe citizen.
B) A woodland dweller.
C) A supposed professional expert on spontaneous tree combustion.
D) Someone that has absolutely nothing to do with any of this.