>>22764093No, to be honest it seems like all of 4chan is getting worse (or maybe I'm just too old these days). The only boards I'd visit are /toy/, /v/, /vp/, /fit/ and /gif/.
/toy/ has got to be the most toxic board I visit. It's full of grown adults who collect toys, but feel the need to belittle everyone else about their taste in toys.
/vp/ used to be pretty decent, but I'm convinced the majority of posters here range in age from 11-16. I barely post here anymore.
/v/ has always been shitty, but they've also been my main source of vidya news since that board is fast as hell.
/fit/ is decent, but most of the posters there act all self righteous and boast about how their way is the best way to train. I also got tired of all the zazz dick sucking that was going on there for a while.
/gif/ is probably the least toxic and most mature of all the boards I visit. Which is weird considering it's just a bunch of guys posting and requesting porn.