I played sapphire and diamond before yellow and gold. yeah, I was that guy.
>>320247018/10, pretty cool teams. Cool that you kept and evolved your magnetron. Also props for using my favorite pokemon shukle in HG.
>>320247459/10 good variety.
>>3202486910/10, sorry about no link cable for your gen 1 anon.
>>320249148/10, liking the kingler love.
>>320252506/10 not bad but pretty generic teams all around.
>>320253087/10 Even in your first runs you only did water mono? Interesting. Water is a pretty good type for mono though.
>>320254768/10 cool teams all around.
>>3202671910/10, great taste in pokemon. I appreciate how you used a lot of underrataed pokemon like dunsparce and shedinja, those guys need more love.