>>48656324Literally this. Why do you faggots need [corporation] to shovel shit down your throats? Ever since gaming started getting more popular and more concerned with profits instead of the games themselves it was time to stop trusting these companies to make good products. These fuckers don’t care about (You) and never really did. The difference is that many of these companies built up brand loyalty over several years and are seeing how much they can get away with shoveling shit down our throats over time. All of the DLCs, charging for shitty online services, all of the shitty gacha games and gacha mechanics in fucking full priced games, overpriced cosmetics, more and more buggy shitty games from AAA company that need to be patched over months, pay to win shit, NFTs, and even more shit to come from this garbage industry. Don’t let these franchises die for you because of greed from faceless corporations, let these dogshit companies die.