We've said goodbye to our Sweet prince, and now for the Elite Four! Unlike last time it was honestly a cake walk.
Triangle swept most of Lorelei's team and Dutch Wife and Speedy cleaned up the rest.
Speedy took down both Bruno's Onix, Sniffy the Hitmons and Jurassic defeated Machamp. Sniffy and Jurassic did get low but no big deal.
Dutch Wife beat Agatha's ghost types, Outcast beat the Arbok and Triangle took down Golbat.
Lance was a little dangerous. Triangle killed Gyarados but Speedy had to solo the rest, and almost died to an outrage against one of the dragonairs, but pulled through.
Blue wasn't too bad either. Aerodactyl rock slided Pidgeot, Triangle evaporated Gyarados, Outcast tanked an earthquake and whacked Rhydon, Sniffy got a bit lucky with hypnosis against Venusaur then took it down with two psychics, Speedy drowned Arcanine and Dutch Wife crushed Alakazam with shadow ball.
So I guess we won! Hooray!
The easiest time I've had with an E4 in these runs so far and first time I got through it without a single loss. Also the first time I've brought my starter to the end!
Will either do Platinum or Black next, not sure yet.
>>54542266Yeah, Snorlax was fantastic. The team was very strong overall. Sucks to lose the last run so late btw, good luck with this one!
>>54541977Congrats once again. RIP to Nocturne and Petrichor. Does that mean you're counting your e4 team as pokemon you're not allowed to use for future runs instead of your team against Red?
>>54540634Probably? It'd just be centered around protecting your main characters I guess.