Gonna try to go a bit more detailed.
>>32378824Your a person that seeks out to protect the things that you find delicate and beautiful, though your often a bit of a dense blockhead, not very subtle.
>>32379683Technical minded, your able to spend hours upon hours on doing actions that others would see as mindless or too much effort.
The way how things work interest you a lot and you tend to crack things open and see how they work, if its not with objects then its with people.
>>32380185Your a reserved person that tends to see things in measures of potential, your able to step out of your comfort zone on your own accord to see what lies beyond but the feeling of safety and sappy romance is something that you hold in high regard.
>>32380192Your very laid back.
Though if something rubs you wrong then you'd speak your mind about it, not afraid of any confrontation.
Though there is little that really rubs you wrong.
>>32380272Your sensitive, eager to delve into the mysterious, you'd read a lot having a big thing for stories and art that are able to move you.
>>32380455Your a headstrong person, you don't take shit and can get sassy.
But for the people that you like you try to be a big help, even if you don't always seem to give a shit.
>>32380559Your a submissive person that wants to get swept off his feet, you admire people that stand tall and proud though you prefer to be more low key and do your stuff in the background.