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New Megas
New Regional Forms
New Z-Moves
Seasons are back. For this region and the old one you get to visit in the post-game, with all the effects intact.
Pokemon breeding has effect on not just moves, but the physical form of Pokemon, and shinies don't just have new color palates, but special recessive features that impact later generations too. So Pokemon Contests have variables on not just fighting and sheen, but pattern for your Pokemon.
Personality affects the animations of your Pokemon. Brave Pokemon act different than Timid Pokemon, not for every type, but for a few select variances we get some basic personality templates. Aesthetics to make battles feel unique, and also to alert trainers in the wild for what Pokemon they're looking for.
And in exchange, Gen 8's only got 44 properly new Pokemon, to make it 851, just a full on mechanics upgrade with lots of special features, and tools. More mechanics, more interactivity, more new ways to search for things, but sacrifice on new Pokemon in turn.
Would you be down for that?