>>54023800Solrock is actually great in-game.
I know that a 440 BST may make it seem underwhelming at first, but it has a ton of neat little attributes that make it stand out. It puts in work from the moment you capture it in Meteor Falls, being a solid counter to the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th gyms. It fills a sort of niche role in the sense that it's quite literally the only Pokemon in RSE that can deal reliable Rock-type damage (STAB Rock Slide). Rock is a great offensive typing, and its fast enough to OHKO just about any lower-levelled mon without taking damage. In addition to powerful STAB, it has surprisingly good coverage, with access to moves like Shadow Ball & Overheat to counter its weaknesses. It even picks up Explosion near the endgame just for the fuck of it, which hits like a truck off of base 95 Attack. Offenses aside, Levitate has always been a great ability.
Yet, casual players don't give Solrock the light of day because their monkey brains take one gander at its sub-500 BST and immediately pass on it. Its this kind of mentality that led to Gen 4's evident power creep. For fuck sake, right at the beginning of DP you encounter TWO mons who have conventionally powerful final-evos with Intimidate. Overkill much?
IMO, a using a lesser-known mon that takes some investment to get going beats spamming Staraptor's Close Combat like a short-attention-span-having retard any day.