>>53796929A9 actually requires skill to kill most melee mon though. You need to Blizzard then Avalanche to make sure you get the full tick damage off Blizzard but be fast enough to cast avalanche. A big issue is A9 range as a range mon is very limited and once it uses its full combo it can't do anything like most mages, but majority of mages have access to move CD reduction.
A9 veil/gleam build is a lot better with its fast charging Unite, but in this meta you can't be stationary or else you'll get nuked.
So anyone calling a A9 overtune must be noob if its range kit area range is very small compared to other mages range like Gard/Espe/Delphox/Chand/Glaceon (yes because with ice shard small movement speed you can catch and launch icicle spear then back pedal away) & its gleam/veil kit is not suited for this meta where being placed in 1 area to long is begging for a death sentence.
I also find it funny how everyone is screaming overtuned especially for mages but so far no one bats an eye for scizor joining back in the meta/mandatory pick. So leave A9 alone after all its been through.