Look, it's simple. If you want to introduce a friend to JoJo, just show them this:
https://youtu.be/DoXR23BMAvUIt's relatively short, it works as a standalone piece, it doesn't rely too heavily on delving into outrageous turnabouts or twists of fate. It's a bunch of burly men glowering while having to deal with bizarre circumstances and putting their minds and wills against each other. That's the best of JoJo. If someone is into this, they can explore the other parts on their own. If they don't like this, they might still like other parts, but mostly likely they are going to like them for specific aesthetics or other reasons aside from "beefy gents engage in repartee and weird shenanigans"
>Inb4 Part 3 is the worstIt might be but the villain of the week format makes it a great way to quickly get people into seeing the basic ideas that would later be improved upon. Both D'arbys are high water marks for this execution.