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What's the best way to back-up the older cartridges? And which cartridges need to backed-up?
>Gen 1 & Gen 2
I know the the GB and GBC titles have battery saves (my Gold died years ago) but what about the N64 titles? I understand Stadium 2 doesn't have a battery save (which surprised me). Is that true? What about Stadium 1?
I know the idea is to use a device to back up the save to the computer and then replace the internal battery and then restore the save but what is the best device? Or the best program? I understand there are multiple.
I saw one cartridge reader by Save the Hero Builders that seems to be a jack of all trades and covers the important titles I need (GB, GBC GBA, N64). Is this the one to go with or are there better ones?
>Gen 3
GameCube memory cards aren't battery powered, nor are FRLG.
The batteries for RSE are for the clock but I'd like to back-up these in case something goes wrong when I replace those batteries to regain the clock for berry growing.
>Gen 4
Wii save for PBR and carts. No batteries. Nothing too worry about here. I never had Ranch.
>Gen 5
DS carts, again, no batteries to worry about. Just back-ups in case something goes wrong.
>Gen 6 and 7
I have a mix of cartridges and from the eShop. With Bank, of course. I actually haven't gotten into the Switch titles yet and was thinking I could back-up these before sending copies up into the Switch version. (I'm a big fan of playing Gen 6 still)
>Gen 8 and up
Not too familiar with the Switch and Pokemon yet but I heard that, unlike other games, Nintendo doesn't allow official back-ups of the Pokemon titles to prevent duplication shenanigans, is that right?