>>16707370>Are you retarded? I kill them because i'm hunting for Hardhorns. Who the fuck what talking about headlocking? >3 g diablos 8 minutes soloif you didnt even have a weapon capable of head locking at the time what makes you think you can take out 3 g diablos in 8 fucking minutes? Im beggining to think you've never played an mh game either.
>"Shit i couldn't access before for whatever reason" is all i read. But please, keep defending BW withholding HALF OF THE FUCKING MAP.Why the fuck not? Its more shit to do after and its not like didnt take as much time doing xy's main game as it did bw, but on top of that, more hit to do afetrwords. Oh my gosh so fucking terrible more content?
>Remember the important story about Giratina in DP?So the fact that it could create universes, was pretty much the fucking devil and was an otherwordly eldritch abomination meant nothing to you?
>Yeah all the important lore about Cresselia.You seem to be confusing having an important aspect tot he sidequest with having something to think about after the ordeals over. Apparently the fact that cresselia is the polar opposite of darkrai and as such a harbinger of dreams means nothing
>>16707354Point taken
And as for the people proclaiming the easiness of pre gen 6 legends...
Well, i got nothing more to say honestly. Obviously you guys are wizards at this game or just really goddamned lucky. Cheers I guess