>>15861359Back on Route 9, Crazy Doug's "ultimate getaway" isn't so much a getaway than it is an explosion, an explosion that knocks the carrier Rhyhorn clean out. Good thing you always carry Revives on you.
"Alrighty then, I'll see you fellas later then maybe, if you EVER need anything, AND I SAY ANYTHING, you just call me. Just give me a holler out *anywhere*, I'll come-a diggin' so fast, you won't even know what hit'cha!"
Oh, so now you have him on a calling card, that's neat.
After the Rhyhorn drops you off at the gate, you and Crazy Doug part separate ways. Now that he has his treasure and his personal record beat, he can spend the rest of his days leisurely pawning off his collection while also carelessly eating it.
He pushes a small, purposeless, seemingly innocent rock out of the way.
And reveals a hidden passageway into the underground. He tosses his jewels in first, then jumps in himself, "GERROOOOOMINOOOOO!"
You hear a
THUD and an "Ow!" on the way down.