Tiers are ordered and quite congested because the gaps between them are quite small. The characters in C are the ones I come closest to disliking their presence in the story, but even then they still have their redeeming qualities.
The characters in this game mog the shit out of Reborn's cast for the most part. This list elucidates most of my thoughts on the nuances of the characterization in the game, so I'll keep the rest of the review pretty short and to the point
>Shit I didn't likeTMs, Mon placement, Map design. Blackview honestly needs a redesign and one of the few times I think overhauling an old area is a good use of dev time. I also didn't like how many sidequests were just backtrack back to the final room of a recently completed dungeon with nothing different along the trek there. Weeping Depths, Silver Rise, and Hardened Mountain were the worst offenders of suffering this. The field design is... okay for the most part but when it gets bad it gets really bad. Crowd and Dance Floor are dogshit and Dance Floor in particular irks me because it's designed around moves the game does everything in its power to not let the player get access to via mon/TM placement. It's clearly meant to work primarily against you coupled with doubling the power of already very strong moves, it's pretty much a microcosm of everything I think a bad field in a rebornlike could be.
>Neutral things worth mentioningDifficulty is lower than Reborn overall and that's fine. Note that I did use an 'illegal' mega on my run (that I started using when Venusaurite would've been given normally) so it may not be entirely fair to call the game overall easier, but in spite of that my highest performing mon was easily Clefable who was perfectly legitimate so I don't think it's entirely off-base either.
>>56217895The black foxes sure have a sense for dramatic decorative touches.