Alright, for those of you who might not have gotten the pattern down, lemme lay it out for you all so we can avoid confusion and be better prepared from here on out!
>Topics begin at 8 PM Eastern>Previous topic ends at 8 PM Eastern - any entries after will sadly not make it>Work on the collage/mosiac/whatever you wanna call it begins an hour prior to the new thread>Entries made in the last ~10 minutes are not guaranteed to be in since I would have to move stuff around>Archive is updated when I'm not pressed for time (usually right after a new topic is up)I'll find a more condensed way to get this across so it can stick in the OP without taking up half the post. Maybe a Pastebin.
With that said, let's get on with today's Pokemon!
>Pokemon 37: Kingdra>Hard Mode: No ReferencesYou know the drill. Pokemon is selected at random daily, you get in this topic, you draw a Kingdra in MS Paint (or similar program), and post results.
Archive can be found here: