>>27153077Now, it can be said with greater certainty that if any besotted figure attempts to seek out a mate with aesthetic features reminiscent of his favorite ninja Pokémon, then they will not only be seeking out a woman of ugly features, but also a woman of ill health, poor character, and a soul, or “what’s on the inside”-whatever that means to anyone who foolishly follows this sentimental prejudice- that is equally disgusting and repulsive as their outer beauty is.
To begin with, it may be regarded as an invariable and constant rule that no matter how regular the features may be to any humanoid or anthropomorphic creature, beauty and health cannot reside where there is any semblance of brutality or baseness — for lack of a better word — in the modelling or design of the face, for any manifestation of frugal scrimping on the part of Nature, so that the eyes seem to have only just enough depth, only just enough pupil, or hue, the mouth only just enough brightness or richness, the nose only just enough definition, to make a recognizable organic countenance. Such an organic countenance will always appear incomplete, trampy, sketchy, and unimportant, and it must be applied universally that an incomplete and unimportant result cannot be beautiful.
Secondly, it may generally be inferred that any face or body in which one principal feature alone, such as the mouth, or ears, or nose, or mouth, or limbs, or digits, is ugly, can never be a beautiful body, no matter how appealing or glorious the rest of it may be. In these cases — and, unfortunately, they form the majority of the so-called good-looking Pokémon in our haphazardly constructed and painted Pokedexes of today — a disappointing approximation to genuine and healthy beauty is achieved, which is all the more depressing and disillusioning for its abominable failure to reach an admirable and model standard of unity and harmony, namely, aesthetic achievement.