So i have to jap ditto's =and calculated the first ditto i get
Ditto - #132 (Impish)
None (X) Imposter
HP: 13 - 14
Att: 26 - 27
Def: 31
SpA: 15 - 17
SpD: 4 - 6
Speed: 31
Ditto - #132 (Impish) None (X) Imposter: 13 - 14 / 26 - 27 / 31 / 15 - 17 / 4 - 6 / 31
Possible Hidden Power Types: Dark, Dragon, Electric, Ghost, Grass, Ground, Poison, Steel
Possible Hidden Power Attack Powers: 38, 39, 49, 59, 69, 70
is it ok?