Quoted By:
>The box mentions "Dozens of never-before-seen Pokemon". So where the fuck are they? Turns out most of them are hidden away on optional routes you never even need to go to. And how the fuck are you supposed to know where they are? Nobody talks about them in game, the trainers don't use them, not even the fucking Gym Leaders use them! It's like Game Freak was so ashamed of their new abominations that they tried to cover them up like they never existed. Hell, you can't even catch half of these fuckers until you beat the game! Like Slugma, you can only find him in one out-of-the-way patch of grass on the Cycling Road that you'll never even bother to look! And even then he only has a 5% chance of showing up! Or Larvitar, he only shows up in the very, VERY fuckign end on 1 floor of the optional final dungeon at level 15 to 20. Your team should at least be in the fucking 60's by then, who the fuck is going to take the time to raise this fucker into a Tyranitar? It grows slower than other Pokemon too just to tease you. It's like what were they thinking? If you mention these fuckers on the fucking box you should expect to see them in the goddamn game! Not that I blame them though, I mean just look at these fuckers. A giraffe with a weird head thing sticking out its ass? A deer with eyes in its antlers? A fucking pinecone? Some weird blue dick thing? They must have been on some shit when they made these. Game Freak, more like Game FUCK YOURSELVES! Pokemon Gold and Silver are just gold and silver colored TURDS! I'd rather let Ho-oh burn down my house! I'd rather drink piss out of a Miltank's udder than keep playing this failed fuckbomb of a game! These shitheaps are like if Laughing Joking Numbnuts made a Pokemon game. Fuck this shit.