>MedititeSinnoh; appears only in an artificial setting in Hoenn (Mt. Pyre) and is much more prominent in Sinnoh. Also appears using the Sinnoh sound in HGSS
>RoseliaSinnoh; appears only in certain isolated areas in Hoenn, but is much more prominently featured in Sinnoh, along with its entire family, which isn’t even found in Hoenn
>CorphishPossibly Sinnoh, Unova, and/or Kalos; Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn’s Pokedexes all say it’s an imported invasive species
>ChimechoSinnoh; appears very, VERY rarely in a man-made environment (Mt. Pyre) and most likely flew in from Sinnoh, where it appears much more commonly, and its pre-evolution can be found even more commonly than that. Added late into Ruby and Sapphire’s development
>Beldum lineUnova; The only one available was given to the player by Steven in the post-game. Up until Gen VI, they have only been found in the wild in the Giant Chasm, and are most-likely extraterrestrials. Also, to note, Steven seems to have a fascination for Unovan Pokemon considering he added two to his team (Excadrill and Archeops) for his PWT team.