>>28549706>>28550165>Plug in my VR headset >charge light flickers on, red>staring at ceiling >Kernel softly beeping in my ear >notification pops up >Facebook >Mom >fucking AUG bullshit >swipe it toward the floor >kernel beeps a little bit louder >advertisement loading bar fades in down near my toes >fine, Jesus Christ >roll over and load Facebook notifications from the floor>Advert loading bar goes awayif the NEETBUX plan didn't mandate the kernel I wouldn't have to do regular checkins like a cuck
>price I pay for the government giving me autism bucks >Mom >YOUR STATUS EMOJI HAS BEEN GAMING FOR 72 HOURS ANON, YOU PROMISED >YOUVE BEEN TURNED IN TO A COLLECTION AGENCY AND NOW YOU WON'T MAKE RENT >YOUR FATHER IS COVERING IT BUT YOUR CREDIT IS SHOT FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR>shit fucking what? >leap out of bed >pull up 5chan >disguised as fake elementary school's online class forum >have to log in with phony Citizen Card number generated for vetted 5chan users by the anons that moderate the forum>govt crawler bots are fucking stupid as ever>split tabs /vp/ and /wiz/ >/wiz/ neetbux anonymous algorithm is connected to my real citizen card number and should be making regular dummy updates on social, to disguise my actual gaming habits so I don't get cut off of my government stipend>/wizbot/ is offline >holy shit >board is frozen >/wizbot/ hasn't covered me on social in three days >kernel starts beeping again >its mom on Facebook >fuck >no posts go through >most recent bump was three days ago >shit what's going on >kernel still beeping >fling notification at the fucking trash can >scrolling through frozen threads to see if there's any indication of what happened >kernel >is /vp/ down too? >advert loading bad pops up >beeping>FUCK >advert for Pokemon Gen 16 covers my whole room >on my knees >sobbing >VR headset's charging light goes green >