Bagon's Headbutt is like being tackled by a feather, Luchy barely feels it due to the stark level and Def difference. But, just to make the Bagon feel good about himself, he feigns injury from the attack.
Luchy gets on his knee, cawing in false agony. If there's going to be one battle in his life that he doesn't get exhausted from, it's pretty much going to be this one.
None of the kids are able to detect the total ruse cruise you and Luchy are setting up. The little Pikachu girl covers her eyes with her hands, unable to cope with Luchy supposedly being blown the fuck out by a Headbutt, "Oh no, m-mister mucha lucha got hurt!"
Anna tries to comfort her, but Pikachu isn't making things easy.
The electric rat wags his tail violently, stirring up a small electrical storm, "Bahhhh, talk about a luchaBORE! This friggin' bird ever hear of DODGING before? COME ON! GET IN THERE! IF I WAS ON THAT FIELD THE FIRST THING I'D BE DOIN' IS IRON TAILIN' THE SHIT OUTTA THAT ASSHOLE!"
Convinced by your trickery, the Salamence boy pumps his fist up, "C'mon Bagon, ya gottit! Use Ember!!"