>>29822506>guess by your feeble definition of edgy, when I eat this chicken breast I'm seasoning for lunch I'll be edgy as fuck.You're very one-sided.
how the fuck is the concept of death "not edgy"?? i'm not even going to continue at this point. i don't need to justify this. opinions are opinions, but facts are facts, and death is by fact, edgy. what you stated, I wouldn't consider "edgy" aside from the animals killing each other.
>what you think it looks like is irrelevanthow dense can you be? i guess i could say the same for you and your opinion.
>still implying that all pokedex entries are all correct regardless of contradictory statementsreally not going to say anything at this point. you appear to be incapable of accepting any form of criticism. i'm done with you.