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(Weekly) Update #8
Samu: Den 125, Square, non-HA/HA, Female
Mini Samu: Den 134, Square, HA, Adamant, Male
Samu Jr.: (Baby) Event Den, Square, 1 Attack IV, HA, Bold, Female
Little Samu: (Baby) Event Den, Square, 1 Speed IVs, Brave, Male
Baby Samu: (Baby) Den 103, Star, Adamant, Male
SamuRai: Event Den, Square, 31/31/31/31/31/0, Male
サムレア: Den 122, Square, HA, Male
It has been quite a while since I have done this, but now seems to be a good point to mark the return of these posts.
I have yet to decide, whether I´ll be effectively continuing this, due to the rather limited amount of dens the DLC offers and too many accounts are likely to be gratuitous.
However, in case I do decide to bring back my Sword accounts, there will be no additional FC you´ll have to add as I used to manage 12 accounts with those 3 FCs.
As always, reply with your SW-name and your IGN when adding me, unless you have me added already on at least one FC; in that case I´ll accept your request silently.
Raid Code, if coded: 2580 2901