Chimcarl vs. Sneasel up first, for shits and giggles I 1 shot ever sneasel from the gym trainers with Mach Punch, but I didn't want to any risks and went for Flame Wheel. Jokes on mesince Sneasel outsped and did 40% damage. Sneasel got fucked though. Piloswine came in and got one shot by Flamethrower. The RNG gods have blessed me once again because that shitter of a
>Froslass came in before Abomasnow. This snow cloak double teaming bitch is such an issue that I spend 20k to get Wide Lense. Fuck Froslass. Fuck Evasion. Fuck Candice. It immediately went for Double Team. Luckily Flamethrower killed it in one and Abomasnow followed soon after.
>>50761489Ironite is probably the mvp, right?