>>30523960>facebookThis is definitely the worst I'd say.
>instagramThis is just facebook Jr. but with more pictures, but at least less is said here than facebook since it's picture-based (I'm assuming?)
>tumblrbirthplace of all this gender shit, along with a torrent of other cancer that's leaked into actual real life; this might actually be the worst since it breeds original ideas rather than regurgitating them life facebook
>deviantartthe home of furries and autists, I pay them no mind and they're honestly good for a laugh
>redditpseudo-intellectual retards posting their contrived liberal opinions as fact who unironically think that Marvel MCU movies are an art form; reddit basically has the mentality of a modern college or university but in image board form
Take your pic. I'd say instagram is the least harmful of all these, but I've never used it or seen how it works.
>worstfacebook tied with tumblr
>"best"instagram tied with deviantart?