Quoted By:
>Mega Uxie
Type: Psychic/Electric
HP: 75
Atk: 75
Def: 165 (+35)
Spa: 95 (+20)
Spd: 165 (+35)
Spe: 105 (+10)
Ability: Insight
When switching in, reveals the moveset of the opponent.
>Mega Mesprit
Type: Psychic/Fire
HP: 80
Atk: 155 (+50)
Def: 130 (+25)
Spa: 105
Spd: 130 (+25)
Spe: 80
Ability: Enrage
When switching in, the opponent will be taunted. Works even if the user does not know taunt.
>Mega Azelf
Type: Psychic/Steel
HP: 75
Atk: 155 (+30)
Def: 80 (+10)
Spa: 155 (+30)
Spd: 80 (+10)
Spe: 135 (+20)
Ability: Last Will
When taking damage that is enough to KO, the user will use the move in its first moveslot before fainting. Passive damage will not trigger it. Suicide moves will not trigger last will, but can be triggered by Last Will. Moves that recover health will fail. Moves that switch you will not switch you out but otherwise work normally.