>>18655227First off, stop with all those damn dots, please. For the love of God don't do it anymore.
Second, Serena is a girly girl, the strongest example of one. She was scared of camping before and now she's perfectly fine with it through the help of Bonnie. Throughout the episode she and Fennekin were all up their ass about their appearance, and being the diva that Fennekin is, it obviously did not want to ruin it's beautiful fur a third fucking time after Ash and Pikachu ruined it twice. Serena however overcame this because she knew Fennekin had did the same for her numerous times, and her struggle then led to Fennekin overcoming her fear of being dirty and saving Serena.
It's character development at its finest and it was great to see how far Serena and Fennekin have come since they first met.