https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLk4-1UjpVQ"So, let me get this straight... He fell...off a bridge?"
Tierno nods, half of a gravy-drizzled chicken steak stuffed into his fatass mouth, "Oh yeah, totes bra!" he says with his mouth open, "We saw it happen with our own two eyes! Isn't that right--mmmmmliterallytastesbetterthandancing--Trevor?"
Trevor fiddles with his fingers. His steak is more properly cut than Tierno's, all adequately cut into equally-sized portions with the help of his shitty black plasticware. An expense that cost them both two bucks and a handful of pocket change.
"U-Uh, w-well i-if we look at it from a technical aspect, i-it's like that Calem broke his neck and d-died upon landing.."
Melina cuts in with furrowed brows, "So you're saying he's dead already?"
>Trevor and Tierno..A) Both agree, yes you are dead.
B) Both disagree. There's no way you can die!
C) Neither really care, for fuck's sake it took a whole day for them to call your disappearance in.
D) They derail their conversation from Calem to chicken fried steak.
E) "Who are we talking about again?"