>>320920195/6, bonus points for sticking with an earlygame bug
>>320921283/6, type variety is a wee bit lacking
>>320931244/6 please evolve your tangela
>>32093062oh boy
FireRed: 3/6
Emerald: 4/6
Platinum: 5/6
SoulSilver: 4/6
White: 4/6
White 2: 5/6
X: 5/6
Omega Ruby: 3/6
Sun: 4/6
Yellow: 3/6
Colosseum: 6/6
XD: 5/6
Currently playing Emerald, battling random scrubs in the desert before I go back to Petalburg. Linoone is an HM slave and will likely be boxed for a Glalie. Not sure if I want to evolve Vigoroth because Truant sucks.