>>19186868All of you begin racing up the volcano, avoiding the incoming fire from the Birds, and avoiding the battles between them and the First-Rodents.
Once you reach the top, you find all the First-Route engineers dead, and the Taillow and Fletchling leaders perched on the machine, trying to make use of the Apricorn's powers.
"Ahem. That belongs to me, dickheads." Bidoof declares.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't the trash of Sinnoh and Mr.Uselesswithouthiddenability. Just give it up, you fools understand nothing about this Apricorn." Taillow says before breaking into an evil laughter.
"It's time for you to meet your maker, idiot. En guarde!"
Bidoof and Bunnelby rush towards Taillow and Fletchling. Lava begins cooking up in the volcano, and looks like it's going to blow very soon. The fight between Bunnelby and Fletchling spills towards you. You know now that picking sides has lost importance with the imminent danger.
Now, it's just a matter of who to take out first.
>Who do you defeat?A) Fletchling
B) Bunnelby