Quoted By:
>Start Pokemon Z
>Everything seems fine at first
>Select gender, name, etc.
>Suddenly notice Prof. Sycamore is wearing shorts
>Laugh it off
>Wake up
>You are wearing shorts too
>Little odd
>Go to mirror to change
>Change into shorts
>Go down
>Mom is wearing shorts
>Step outside
>Your Rhyhorn is wearing shorts
>Rival is wearing shorts
>Tierno is wearing shorts
>Shauna is wearing shorts
>Clemont is wearing shorts
>Your starter is wearing shorts
>Every Pokemon is wearing shorts
>Even legless Pokemon are wearing shorts because fuck you
>Everyone is wearing shorts
>Trees are wearing shorts
>Tall grass is wearing shorts
>Boutique only sells shorts
>Race through the game because you can't suffer this nightmare
>Entire Elite Four is wearing shorts, even the knight dude
>Reach the champion
>It's Joey
>"Shorts are comfy and easy to wear"
>You realise you've never been more fucked
>You die when you see that his final Pokemon is a Lv.100 Rattata
yfw Lysandre is the only sane person in the entire game not wearing shorts and he just wanted to save the world from this shorts induced nightmare and you stopped him and destroyed the future of every living thing ever