Quoted By:
-Final starters are a Grass/Bug spider monkey, Fire/Electric soccer hare, and Water/Dragon chameleon serpent respectively.
-Box legendaries are a tall prism unicorn who is Fairy/Steel and uses a wolf skull to conceal its face and a sleek, wooden serpent who is Rock/Steel and uses also a wolf skull over its face.
-In French, their names are Liaxoné and Boucacer.
-A few Pokémon receive additional evolutions such as Dunsparce, Jynx, and Qwilfish.
-Two different evil teams: House Shield and House Sword.
-Quest mechanic involves completing an array of side quests.
-Armoured evolutions are real. Mewtwo, Lapras, Zoarark, and Ledian are a few that I know of.
-There are no “Galarian forms” but only Alolan forms available post-game.
-New mechanic involving a new item slot... not sure much else for now.
-There are around 85 new Pokémon total with a few of the mythicals being called “Royal fables” the player seeks to capture and resist.
Thats all for now. I’ll be answering any questions as well.