Quoted By:
>be me
>be 10 years old
>friend wants to hang out and play the new pokemon game together
>excited to show him my bros i used all through the game
>dad hears about it
>keeps asking me what my "team composition" is gonna be
>just wanna use the Pokemon I played the game with
>trades me all these weird Pokemon I don't like
>tells me to blimble the splitshine after the switch to kerbobble the enemy's フローゼル because that has a 84% chance to OHKO after 3 layers of Spikes and Stealth Rocks
>don't understand but say okay because he's so excited you can see the sweat shine off his bald head
>day arrives
>try my dad's strats
>it's a fucking stomp, game ends in like 6 turns
>didn't have any fun because I didn't get to use my guys
>friend didn't have any fun, goes home early
>dad celebrates, tells me this is gonna get him so much reddit gold
>friend texts me, says he dooesn't wanna hang out anymore
>mfw i just wanted to play some pokemon