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I've just finished a Yellow playthrough with starter replaced with perfect IV Dratini where I tried to avoid as many fights as possible in order to not get overleveled, which is very easy when using only one mon.
Hardest fights I had:
>Brock - needed to spend an hour grinding to 14 to outspeed Onix, allowing me to exploit the game's retarded AI to cheese the fight
>Sabrina - another hour of grind to level 45 to give me realistic chance of winning, still needed to exploit retarded AI and keep restarting to fish for freeze on Alakazam, which would probably be capable of twoshotting me with Psychic all the way to Dragonite evolution
>Koga - same roadblock as above, finished it right afterwards, even more RNG but not as outright brutal as Sabrina
>Lorelei - Thunderbolt crit, paralysis + instant full para or Blizzard miss are the only ways to get past her Lapras, level 55 was enough to get through everything else
Plus a few rough but not as brutal fights like Lt Surge and Giovanni in Viridian. Overall was pretty fun. I'd like to give this another try with a different Pokemon. Any suggestions?